For the first time in online games and applications, you will be able to play the "Holding game - Mahbouseh", the most popular game among backgammon games, in addition to the "Western game - Franjieh" and other fun games.
For the first time we proudly present to you the traditional chess game in a wonderful presentation that include determining a placement level for players upon entry and in turn they can play with their friends.
Introducing BE Smart To Win as a prominent unique game that contains hundreds of thousands of varied and interesting trivia questions in a wonderful and entertaining display.
Who we are
FAM Informatics was established in Dubai - UAE in 2020. From its early beginnings FAM Company focused on creativity and innovation as the main factors in building and developing its web and mobile applications based products.
The company was established by creative specialized partners from diverse and integrated scientific fields. This has given the company the strength to gain a foothold in the competent and rapidly developing global market.
Our Brands
Who we are
Fam Informatic Ut pretium, sapien blandi vulputate mattis, lorem elit bibendum mi, quis dignissim ipsum neque.
Aliquam feugiat eleifend
Fusce sit amet orci quis arcu
Fam Informatic Phasellus in risus quis lectus iaculis tate.
Fam Informatic Phasellus in risus quis lectus iaculis tate.